When Brad's mom was on a trip to see her parents in UT, Brad's dad came to eat dinner with us one night and brought some yummy cupcakes!

We went to eat at
Applebees and they had face painting!

Poor Eddie, he had had a long day

I did a lot of canning this summer/fall. I did some peaches, pears, applesauce and freezer tomatoes and 10 dozen corn. I had a hard time keeping Lily from taking bites out of all of it! She is such a helper!

We took a trip to see Brad's grandparents in
Payson UT. They have a carnival and parade on Labor day, we had a lot of fun!

On our way to Brad's grandparents house we stopped

at the Bean Museum on
BYU campus and looked at all the animals. While we were there they did a live reptile show and the boys were excited to touch the huge turtle

We took our 3rd trip to WA this year, first stopping in Boise for a family reunion and picking up my sister Wendy at the airport there. She flew from CT and spent time with us at the reunion and then we went the rest of the way to WA to see my mom and my grandparents and to spend a little more time with my sister Jeni's family. Below is a pic of her 2 kids (Shyla ans Issac) and mine wearing the tie dye shirts they made with my mom.

We went to the fair while we were in WA. It was actually the day before it opened just to see the animals. The kids are looking at pigs in the pic below. The highlight of the trip to the fair was Ethan got to bottle feed a calf named Butter.

Making tie dye shirts at my mom's house

We loved getting to spend time with Aunt Wendy and wish CT wasn't so far away!

We spent an afternoon at my Grandma/pa
Kauer's house visiting with my aunt and uncle and my cousin Ben's family. My Grandma has about everything you can think of to keep kids busy outside. They jumped on the tramp, played in the playhouse, on the swings and swam. They had a great time

My dad's side of the family had a big reunion this year with my Aunts/Uncles and cousins and their families. Not everyone was able to make it but there was still a big crowd. We played games, made crafts, swam, roasted marshmallows and had a really fun time catching up.

Eddie doing crafts

This is the huge lodge where we cooked and ate

This is looking out from the lodge at the field, fire pit and pool

This is the little cabin our family shared w/ Jeni's family and Wendy. The only things in the cabin were bare bunk beds, but there was room for port a cribs thank goodness and bathrooms and electricity in the lodge.

Ethan and Aunt Gloria (my dad's older sister) doing crafts

My cousin Lori's little girl Jenna looked A LOT like our Lily. Lori's mom and my dad are twins so I thought this was interesting. Jenna is about a month older than Lily
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