Before the snow came Ethan spent most of the summer and fall finding bugs. This was the last grasshopper he found. Ruby. He wanted to keep it in a jar in his room, but after have lost several grasshoppers in his room already mom said this one had to stay outside. but he wanted a picture of it.
The boys working to clean up the leaves

Helping mom rake leaves

Making and eating Halloween cookies is always a treat

For Preschool we went to the pumpkin patch. They got to ride the train, run through the corn maze, pick a pumpkin and eat a cookie. The boys LOVED it!

Ethan in the train with his friends

Eddie was SO excited for the train

Ethan in the corn maze

Eddie running through the corn maze

Eddie, Ethan and some of Ethan's preschool friends and their siblings

Ethan picking his pumpkin

Eddie riding in the pumpkin wagon

Grandpa Greg came over bringing treats, and read them a few stories before bed. They love spending time with their grandpas and grandmas.

I tried to get a pic of Eddie in his costume but he ran an hid under the table, he thought he was so clever.
Surprise! Got you!

Here is Eddie making his not so sneaky escape
Here is a good pic of Eddie's full Dragon costume. He kept saying,"This is SO Cool mom!" and "The tail is so pretty!"
Eddie cleaned a little of his pumpkin out, mom got to do the rest.

This was the first year Ethan would stick his hand in the pumpkin and clean it out by himself! Yeah Ethan!

Eddie wanted a sad/scary pumpkin

Ethan wanted a vampire pumpkin, thanks dad for your help. Look at those sharp teeth!
Ethan turned 5 Oct 28th, sometimes I can't believe he is that old already. He was so proud of himself for being able to blow up balloons for the first time.

We had a b-day party for Ethan on Halloween morning. I think they all had a great time playing the games, playing w/Ethan's gifts and eating candy from their goodie bags.
This is a pic of Ethan opening his gifts from his friends.
Ethan was a vampire for Halloween. This was the first time we have ever done face paints and hair color. He was SO excited about it. I have a great picture of him but will have to post it next blog because I cannot get it to attach right now.
Yay a new post and lots of pictures!!! =) I Love Eddie's Halloween costume! so cute! and it is so crazy that Ethan is 5 already!