I am so behind blogging I decided I will have to just do a little at a time to catch up!
Our summer flew by so fast, we have been so busy.
If you haven't heard we are expecting baby #3 March 3rd! We are all excitied, especially Ethan who is really hoping for a sister. We will find out Oct 12th if baby is a boy or a girl.
These are some pics of our tip to the fair. Above and below are pics of them enjoying their corn dogs. Eddie had katsup all over his face that he did not want wiped off!

He also has a sheep baa right in his face, but thought that was funny.
The boys used their money to buy cups of feed at the petting zoo. The pig had just had piglets the day before and the pony had a baby a few weeks before they were so cute. Eddie loved feeding the goats.

We told the boys they could pick a ride or a game. Ethan has been wanting a pet of his own (besides our poodle Duncan) so when he saw he could win a goldfish decided that was way better than a ride. He had to throw 8 ping pong balls into cups, we told him it might be kind of difficult and if he didn't get one into the cups he wouldn't get a fish and not to cry. He said ok, threw the balls and didn't make it. The dread on his face was so sad but he didn't cry. The lady felt sorry for him and pretended he made it anyways and said, "OK! I'll go get your fish." She said she doesn't like to see sad kids. Ethan was so excited! We were excited for him. Eddie was too short for all the rides except the merry go round, he was sad he didn't get to ride the four wheeler ride but loved the cheeta
Yay! That looks like a fun day! I'm amazed that lady gave Ethan the fish! How nice! =)