This year we went with some of our friends to glean potatoes, the kids thought this was FANTASTIC! There was so much dirt, hooray! Eddie had the most fun, his eyes, nose, ears and...well... everything else were so full of dirt from running up and down the powdery dirt road and kicking the dirt everywhere with his friend Josh. He was so proud of this big potato he found.
Lily at the pumpkin patch.
Lily and Eddie with their happy faces and happy pumpkins
The kids did really well cleaning out their own pumpkins this yr
Lily is going through a new frustrating phase. She is old enough not to have a binky, and continues to bite the tops off of the ones she has. She sticks her finger in the hole she has made and continues to suck on the binky. Why does she still have them and why do I continue to buy more? Well, it is the only way I have found to keep her from sucking her thumb (which her dentist said is much worse than a binky for her teeth). If she uses her binky she uses it just for nap and bed, if she uses her thumb she wants to use it all day.
Ethan was so proud he carved his pumpkin mostly by himself this year!
Ethan turned 8 in October and we had a Halloween/b-day party for him. He had fun eating cake and mummy dogs with his cousins and being wild during the games. He also had a friend party and we took them bowling and had pizza. He was one happy boy.
Happy Halloween! Our 2 vampires and one "sleepy & the beast" We think this is a combination of beauty and the beast and sleeping beauty...we are not sure how she came up with this name
The boys both wanted to do something new this fall. Basketball and indoor soccer for Eddie's age didn't start until January so that left wrestling or ice skating. He was worried he would get hurt in wrestling so he decided to ice skating "so he could play hockey when he gets bigger". He LOVED it! I was a little worried what he would say after watching him lay on the ice most of the first day, but he came off the ice happy and got the hang of it pretty quickly!
Ethan got baptized the first weekend in November. He had a lot of family come to support him that day. We are proud of him for this big decision he made.
After a trip to the store I asked Lily to help me put the TP under the bathroom sinks, but first she had a lot of fun making "castles"
Ethan tried basketball this fall. That is him below jumping in the air. He loved it but it took awhile for him to learn how to be a team player. Once he started passing the ball and guarding his person things were a lot more fun for everyone.
Surprise mom, I'm mopping! Lily has learned she can use the bathroom stool to get into lots of new things she could never reach before, like the bathroom sink. She had filled her mop bucket up to the top with water and was having a fantastic time. I was shocked how much water was on the floor when I found her. I'm just glad it didn't warp the floors before I got it wiped up. She was so proud of herself, until I told her cleaning time was over, then she was really mad.
These are all the carrots we dug out of our garden this year! The bags are full, and I gave away 2 grocery bags full. It took me a long time to wash, peel and cut them all but we are grateful to have them. Thank goodness for my new food processor.
Lil and I read stories before bed and nap, this is usually how she hugs my big belly while we read
On Thanksgiving we all participated in the turkey trot. Brad ran the 5K with Eddie & Lily in the stroller and Ethan & I slowly walked/waddled the 1 mile. The race was sponsored by my doctors office and I actually walked part of the mile with my doctor which was comforting to know she was close by in case I threw my self into labor. :)
Eddie made these pilgrim and Indian costumes at preschool, he was very proud of his work and allowed Lily to try them on too
Me and my girl vacuuming the floor together
Lily and her best pal Allie reading books together
Eddie and Arianne (Allie's big sister) working on crafts
Gingerbread houses. The decorations on the houses lasted one day.
I found Lily one morning looking at the tree, using the presents as foot rests.
Lily helping with dinner
One wild night at our house the kids decided to be Indians. This is how the boys came downstairs. It only took one look for Lily to start ripping her shirt off and running to get the markers to color on herself too. Silly kids. Unfortunately for Ethan the marker didn't come off in the shower the next morning as well as he hoped and he got to go to school with those on his face
It's almost Christmas!
The Santa had a really cool suit and beard, but he wasn't very friendly. Hardly and smile, and there was no HOHOHO
I got to help the primary kids preform the nativity for the church Christmas party again this year. Eddie was a cow and Ethan was a wise-man.
Lily looking pretty before church
Making Christmas sugar cookies
For those of you who have asked for a pregnancy pic, here it is. This is defiantly the biggest I have ever been during pregnancy. It has been a different experience all the way around. As most of you know we decided not to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl which has been fun and exciting. This baby also has a 2 cord vessel instead of a 3 cord like all of our other babies. (a vein & an artery in the umbilical cord instead of 2 veins and 1 artery.) I don't really know the best way to explain all the risks and complications this could lead to but so far everything has been great with this baby except for all of the extra appointments. When I hit 32 weeks I have had to go to the dr every Monday and every Thursday for about and hour and a half each visit. One day for an ultrasound and one day for a stress test. Despite the trips across town, getting someone to watch my kids and sitting in the waiting room a lot I am grateful everything has been fine. I am also grateful to my mother-in-law Diane and my friend Julie for helping watch my kids. We are also glad that after all the ultrasounds I have had the sex of the baby is still a surprise! We have an Albanian girl name picked out, but Brad and I are still divided on the boy name...which stresses me out a bit.
Here are a couple of pics of baby Cramer 4. Due Dec 29th, 2 weeks from today! We are SO ready for baby to arrive. It is exciting to think my next post will have real picture of our baby!