On Thanksgiving day Brad ran the turkey trot. Last year when Brad and I ran the turkey trot it was -1 degrees. The boys wanted to go watch so I thought it would be best if Brad ran alone so I could take our kids to the van if it got too cold. However, when we got to the race the boys saw lots of kids in the race and the weather was beautiful! They were sad I didn't sign them up to run too. I think next year we will watch the weather and sign us all up if it looks like it will be nice enough.
Yeah dad!
Brad's sister Candace made this cute hat for Lily... unfortunately she destroyed the pompom on top on the ride to Walmart
Ethan finished his 1st book series, The Diary of a Wimpy kid, way to go Ethan!
Decorating the tree
We went to Snake River Landing one night. Below is a pic of the boys sitting on a deer by the fire while we waited in line for a sleigh ride. It was a fun but COLD night!
On the sleigh ride. It was really crowded but we had fun!
After the sleigh ride we went to see Santa. Ethan was acting like a goofball for the picture because there was a cute girl from his class waiting in line to see Santa next, silly boy
I had the opportunity to help our church's primary children put on the nativity for the Christmas party.
All the kids did really well. Below Ethan is the one holding his feet...I don't know why he wasn't wearing shoes.
Eddie fixing his costume
I found Wolverine and Spider Man playing ball in the toy room
I like this happy pic of Lily
We made Gingerbread houses. I think 6 pieces made it onto Lily's house and then she was done. Those are her favorite Minnie Mouse Jammies, she calls them "Monser or monster jammies" and wants to wear them EVERY night. It is a good thing I do laundry almost everyday!
Hard at work

My sister Bethany and her little girl Eveline (Evi) came to our house for Christmas. They are from TN. They had been visiting my mom & step-dad in WA for several weeks while my brother in law was in Afghanistan. They all came down together along with my other sister Jeni and her husband and 2 kids. We had 7 adults and 6 kids under 7yr. I hadn't seen Bethany and Evi since Evi was a little baby, it was SO great spending time with them! Below is Eddie and Eveline playing ponies. Eddie and Eveline are named after our grandpa and grandma, it was kind of fun having little Ed & Evi together
Jason (Brad's brother) and Lindsay came for Christmas from TX. Lily LOVES her uncle Jason!
Candace made a puppy hat for Eddie and Ethan. The boys love them! Thanks Candace!
We had a Christmas Party with Brad's family. Santa came and brought Jammies and the kids opened their gifts from Grandma and Grandpa. Below is Ethan holding up a science kit. Thanks Grandpa & Grandma!
Ethan holding his cousin Issac. He is such a sweet happy baby
Christmas Eve night ready for bed in our new Christmas jammies!
Here are our 6 cute little kids. It was pretty tricky getting all of them to stay on the couch together! Eddie, Ethan, Issac, Lily Shyla, Evi
Grandma reading to our cute girls, Shyla, Evi & Lil'
Ready for Christmas!
We tried to take a pic of the kids after church Christmas morning in their new church clothes and Lily cried and cried. Oh well, they still looked cute happy or not. The boys got their nice outfits from Grandma Diane & Grandpa Greg. They look so nice in them, thank you!
Sleepy eyed on Christmas morning. Lil pushed her new baby in the stroller ALL day
Ethan with his double light saber and General Grievous mask
Eddie and his Batmobile
Grandma reading reading reading! My mom brought down my old little rocking chair and baby cradle my grandpa made me. Mom made new padding for the chair and a blanket for the cradle, thanks mom, Lil' sits in that chair constantly!
Making cookies for Santa
ID has had very very little snow, but we needed to get out of the house and do something fun so we went sledding & it was great! Brad and Lil flying down the hill
I lost my sled at the bottom of the hill and Lily, Shyla and I took a little tumble
Eddie & Evi, Wheeee!
Ethan & Shyla, I love their happy little faces!
Me & Lily, Bethany & Evi, Jeni & Shyla. My sisters and our girls. We just need Wendy in the pic, her little girl is due on my b-day this April!
Eddie, Mom & Shyla, Evi, Bethany & Lily
Jeni & Issac
My dad bought the girls these dresses, they looked so cute skipping and twirling around the house in them but it was really hard to get them to sit together and smile long enough for a picture! Thanks Dad & Carren. I think Jeni has a bunch of pics, this is the best one I have. We will get you a copy of one of them.
Lily calls this her HoHo dress because it has Santa sleeves
One afternoon the kids needed to get out of the house and wear off some energy so my mom and Step dad took the kids to Blast off. Lily was napping so I sent the camera with them. Looks like they had fun! Evi in a costume in the ball pit
My step brother Darrick, his wife Sharon and their kids Jane, Max and Charlie live in Idaho Falls. Below Jane is coming out of the slide, Yeah!
Ethan wearing...a dragon suit?
Eddie & Jane
Dan & Steph (Brad's sister) were in town for Christmas, we love when they come to see us!
Grandma reading more books...I didn't realize I had so many pics of my mom reading to the kids, it is easier to take their picture when they are holding still!
Evi showing me her Christmas things. I loved having my family here for Christmas and playing with my nieces and nephew. It was a bit crazy and stressful at times but I loved having them here and being together
This is Eddie's new thing, he does it constantly, everywhere! Silly kid
Lily's hair is growing longer!
Getting ready for church, got my tights on....
They are a bit big
Lily got this cute dress from Grandma Diane, so cute! Thank you Grandma!
I went to see my newest nephew Charlie, very cute and sweet. My mom and step dad tried to wait for him to be born while they were in town for Christmas...he was born the day after he left. :( but I got to go see him! :) Sorry mom, you'll have to come back down to Idaho!

At snack time Lily & I were standing in front of the fridge and I asked her what she wanted for a snack and she said tayda & pointed to a baked potato. She ate it cold, plain, skin & all. That's our lil' Idaho girl.