A lot has happened since I last Blogged in Jan! Above is Ethan and Eddie making towers for their marbles to run through. Below is a pic of the boys in their 3D glasses ready for a movie night we had. We bought a 15 min 3D DVD w/the glasses and the boys were so excited about it.
The boys made a small sledding hill in the front yard and went sledding everyday for about a week until they were tired of it. Below is Eddie w/ his saucer. This pic was taken the end of Jan. But we have had snow since then, the last snow was Easter weekend.
Ethan on his sled being pulled by the snowmobile

Ethan playing Rock Band w/dad, Uncle Jason and Uncle Dan. He loved it and thought he was pretty big stuff hanging out with the big guys.
The boys doing exercises
This is me kissing our sweet Lily Marie who was born March 10th. This was taken right after she arrived.

Her delivery was a little rough, so she arrived a little bruised up

Lily is a really sweet baby. She is a good sleeper and a good eater. If she gets upset she calms really easy. Having 3 kids has been a difficult adjustment in some ways, we are just so blessed that she is such a good baby.

Tired and ready to go home from the hospital

Brad was a trooper and stayed all three nights at the hospital w/me on a small hard looking pull out chair/bed.

Lily in her car seat ready to go home for the first time

Grandma and Grandpa and Dad took the boys to Bear world to see the baby bears

Grandma and Grandpa Carpenter came for a week and a half to help. It was so, nice! Thanks mom and Dick! They also brought their Wii. Ethan LOVED it!

Ethan and Eddie have been great brothers to Lily.

Grandpa and Grandma Carpenter hanging out w/the kids

Ethan made mustashes for everyone and wanted us to wear them. Dad was a great sport about it.

Lily after an unhappy bath

Ethan and his egg hunt find

The Easter Bunny brought the boys some ball guns and some other things. Ethan was very excited about finding the eggs and was very fast. Eddie didn't really care about finding eggs. He found one and then said, "now I will put it back." Silly kid. Ethan tried to encourage him but he was more interested in his gun and candy.

The boys in their new Easter outfits.
Dad and Carren came in town for Easter weekend. They brought some cute things for Lily and some movies and a bubble launcher for the boys. It snowed most of the weekend and so everyone stayed inside most of the time. It was nice to have them visit. Easter morning was Lily's blessing, Diane and Candace (Brad's mom and sister) made the blessing dress, it was so pretty! Lily did really well through the blessing and pics afterward. We decided to have the blessing at home since that is when my dad could come and that Sunday was conference weekend so we didn't go to church. Brad's parents, siblings and their spouses, his Grandma, and uncle Ken and his family all came. The bishop, dad and Carren, Jared's family, and Darrick's family also came. We have never had so many people in our little house! The blessing was beautiful and so was Lily.

Lily in her blessing dress
Lily in her blessing dress on Eatser.

Welcome home from work dad, we would all like some attention now please!
This is me kissing our sweet Lily Marie who was born March 10th. This was taken right after she arrived.
Her delivery was a little rough, so she arrived a little bruised up
Lily is a really sweet baby. She is a good sleeper and a good eater. If she gets upset she calms really easy. Having 3 kids has been a difficult adjustment in some ways, we are just so blessed that she is such a good baby.
Brad was a trooper and stayed all three nights at the hospital w/me on a small hard looking pull out chair/bed.
Lily in her car seat ready to go home for the first time
Grandma and Grandpa and Dad took the boys to Bear world to see the baby bears
Grandma and Grandpa Carpenter came for a week and a half to help. It was so, nice! Thanks mom and Dick! They also brought their Wii. Ethan LOVED it!
Ethan and Eddie have been great brothers to Lily.
Grandpa and Grandma Carpenter hanging out w/the kids
Lily after an unhappy bath
Ethan and his egg hunt find
The Easter Bunny brought the boys some ball guns and some other things. Ethan was very excited about finding the eggs and was very fast. Eddie didn't really care about finding eggs. He found one and then said, "now I will put it back." Silly kid. Ethan tried to encourage him but he was more interested in his gun and candy.
The boys in their new Easter outfits.
Lily in her blessing dress
Lily in her blessing dress on Eatser.
Max and Lily after Lily's Blessing. Max was born a couple of weeks after Lily.
Welcome home from work dad, we would all like some attention now please!
Ethan seldding down the hill
Uncle Dan and the boys
Eddie and Aunt Steph
Some more news since Jan, we decided to sell our house. The last few weeks I was pregnant we packed up what we wouldn't be using for a couple of months and put it in a storage unit to clean things out. We cleaned and srubbed the house hired our neighbor to do some painting and put it on the market the first week in April . 9 days later it sold! We are making an offer on a house, but it is a short sale so it will take some time.
Ethan has started a gymnastics class last week and loves it.