I made Eddie
a truck cake. The first thing he opened was a bubble airplane that makes bubbles come out the back while the propeller spins. Eddie was so fascinated with it he didn't want to open anything else. Grandma Diane and Grandpa Greg got him a bubble mower and he LOVES to "help daddy mow grass."

Aunt Stephanie was in town for a couple of weeks and the boys had so much fun with her. She made Ethan this vampire costume that he wanted to wear EVERYWHERE! This is him wearing it next to a clown at the circus. We went with Stephanie and Grandma Diane. Ethan loved the acrobats and spent the next couple of days doing tricks on the swing set.
Diane bought the boys these horns. The are really really loud. Brad conveniently went to Boise that weekend for a conference, but the neighbor and I endured them until the newness wore off. O:

Brad brought home this box from work, it is refrigerator size. Ethan colored it and has wanted to sleep in it every night for the last 2-3 weeks!

For the 4th of July Grandpa Larry and Grandma Carren and Orion came down and we had a lot of fun! This is Eddie at the parade. 

Ethan is on a t-ball team, the fire dragons. He has really improved from the first game. It's funny watching the little kids in the outfield sitting in the grass, digging in the dirt...

Aunt Stephanie was in town for a couple of weeks and the boys had so much fun with her. She made Ethan this vampire costume that he wanted to wear EVERYWHERE! This is him wearing it next to a clown at the circus. We went with Stephanie and Grandma Diane. Ethan loved the acrobats and spent the next couple of days doing tricks on the swing set.
Diane bought the boys these horns. The are really really loud. Brad conveniently went to Boise that weekend for a conference, but the neighbor and I endured them until the newness wore off. O:

Eddie trying to be like big brother.

Brad brought home this box from work, it is refrigerator size. Ethan colored it and has wanted to sleep in it every night for the last 2-3 weeks!

This is Ethan and Orion trying to get warm after swimming.
And a few pics of the kids doing sparklers.

Ethan is on a t-ball team, the fire dragons. He has really improved from the first game. It's funny watching the little kids in the outfield sitting in the grass, digging in the dirt...
He has games Mon/Wed. On Tues/Thurs we find other ways to keep busy like the movies, library or the swimming pool. This summer has been so busy, but a lot of fun.